Mountain Dew Takes Over All-Star Weekend: Mountain Dew, after terrifying the world with its PuppyMonkeyBaby, followed up its Super Bowl success this weekend to deliver an interactive NBA All-Star experience featuring Google’s new Tilt Brush.

Lady Gaga Performs Futuristic Bowie Tribute: Intel worked together with Lady Gaga to create one of the most stunning Bowie tributes using new live face mapping and holographic imaging technology.

Gwen Stefani Releases “Make Me Like You.”: Gwen Stefani teamed up with Target to make the first live music video in history!

Kanye Finalizes Album Title, “The Life Of Pizza.” (Brought to you by Pizza Hut)

Snapchat Wins Again This Year… by offering an insider’s view into NYFW.

And Who Could Forget Valentine’s Day? Below are some of my personal favorite spots for all the boys and girls and ad people out there. Enjoy!

Dilys Zhu, MSD Inter