Whether you are a non-profit, or for-profit, we know that you are for-purpose. Here are some organizations that we believe have done a great job marrying impact with storytelling or human capital. MSD has little affiliation to these organizations – we simply admire them!
Team Rubicon, a disaster relief organization deploying emergency response teams of military veterans, recognizes what it means to have compelling messaging. Their name is twofold: team emphasizes their military-inspired cohesive units while the Rubicon has meant a point of no return since Julius Caesar famously crossed the river. It goes back to their founding after the Haiti earthquake when two marines entered Haiti against the advice of government and large aid organizations, and became irrevocably committed to their task in the process. Their tagline “Bridge the Gap” also has a double meaning. In terms of disaster relief, they provide aid between the moment a disaster happens and when conventional aid organizations respond. For their veterans, they bridge the gap between military and civilian life by aiming to provide veterans with a purpose, community, and self-worth. Follow them: @TeamRubicon
We’re lucky enough here at MSD to share an office space with the inspiring organization Pencils of Promise. They’re guided by their revolutionary “for-purpose” approach, which blends the head of a for-profit business with the heart of a humanitarian nonprofit to deliver value with every donor dollar received. Through this, they are able to build schools and increase educational opportunities for children in the developing world. They have served 31,000 students, built 266 schools, and provided 24.3M education hours, and they’re committed to telling those stories. Follow them: @PencilsOfPromis
Warby Parker revolutionized the eyeglasses industry when they created an affordable, high quality, direct-to-consumer alternative to the traditionally overpriced eyewear market. The company is known for stunning design, ranging from their frames and showrooms to their online site and advertisements. They combine this vision with the belief that everyone has a right to see and address this problem worldwide by partnering with non-profits like VisionSpring to make sure that for every pair they sell, another pair of glasses is distributed to someone in need. With fantastic design, a clear mission, and social impact, Warby Parker is winning the hearts of visually challenged and socially conscious consumers everywhere. Follow them: @WarbyParker
Mama Hope, a non-profit focused on building self-sufficient communities in Sub-Saharan Africa believes in the unique stories and needs of the communities they serve. They focus on developing projects tailored to the actual needs of their partner communities, and have completed 50+ projects, impacting 150,000 in Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, and Uganda. Branding themselves as For-Impact, they aim to develop and inspire, truly focusing on people first instead of only thinking about charity, donations, and talk. They’re excellent storytellers to help spread the message of their powerful work! In full disclosure, The Desai Foundation, is thrilled to bring Mama Hope’s Global Advocates program to India in 2015! Follow them: @Mama_Hope
Sweetgreen, a growing salad chain featuring local produce and community-building initiatives is based around their impact, sustainability, and authenticity based core values. Their salads showcase the products of local farmers who care, and Sweetgreen crafts simultaneously delicious and nutritious salads using this produce. They even strive to “keep it real” in their store designs, seeking to preserve the natural structure of buildings they occupy. Community initiatives like Sweetgreen in Schools brings their happy and healthful company mantra to students, as they educate children on healthy eating, fitness, and sustainability. Yes, Sweetgreen is a for-profit company, but they want to do so by selling a good-for-you product and doing well for the local community. Follow them:@sweetgreen